Monday, June 28, 2010

The Octopus

I have had this dream several times throughout my life and it is always so crisp and clear. I have been having this dream since I can remember.

The setting is I am an observer in the dream, like watching it play out. There are 5 guys trying to find the beach in this small bay town. My perspective is that I am higher up than then so I can see over the roofs of the little cottages and see that they are close as they as some old woman how to get to the beach. The next "scene" is them in the water swimming around having fun and what not. My point of view is still up a little higher and I see that way out off shore is a giant black object in the bubbles and churning water it is causing. (btw, the guys that are swimming are in the Navy. It is never said but I just know they are. And I always get the feeling that one of them is my dad even though I never interact with them in my dream). So the guys notice the commotion way off of the shore and they say oh its just a submarine surfacing and continue about their business.

In my view of the dream I can see the giant black octopus arms rising out of the water and uncurling. I am trying to tell them to look behind them but it is like I am not there so they cant see me or hear me.

As I am yelling for them to turn around, just like in a movie it cuts to a scene of the view pointing up from the bottom of the water and all I can see is the sun above the surface and the silhouette of a shark swims overhead slowly and no one is in the water.

So I always assume that whatever got them dragged them under the water and the last "scene" is some kind of view to let me know they aren't there anymore.

I always assume the dream means that I will "lose" my dad or something....I dunno


  1. Are you an active believer that dreams can give you insight into future events? If so, then your explanation could be a possibility. However, if you believe that dreams give you insight into yourself then you would have a different interpretation. It might be a "fear" of losing your father. Either way, interesting idea for a blog. I like it.

  2. I have had dreams that eerily come true so who knows. I have had this same dream for years and years. I may have had it again last night because of me now recording them.
