Friday, June 25, 2010

Digging Holes in the Bed

I think last night was a better dream. I am going to see that this is going to be a more difficult task than I thought. I woke up and was like OK REMEMBER the dream! Then I dozed off and lost a part of it. So I made myself get up and jot down a few notes on what went on to concrete it in my head.

So again, remember these are dreams so they won't make sense much.

I dream that I am standing in the middle of my bed with a shovel and I start digging holes into the mattress, for what reason I have no idea. But once I have a hole dug all the way through the mattress I crawl down into the hole like some kind of sniper waiting for someone. After that I am in an office sitting there hearing some lady scream and yell at someone who didn't fill out paper work right. I ask a woman in the waiting room what the hell was going and she said that that woman was evil. I said Oh hell I ain't scared of no secretary I will f*ck her up. When I kick open her office door it is this tiny little ol lady and I saw AWWWWWWW it's so cute and she kicked me in the you know what.

Somehow I ended up on a cooking competition show in a factory in some sort of tundra town. It was all about fish and I kept messing everything up. I couldn't get past the part of selecting the fish, I kept getting this huge fish that wouldn't work with me. It was like a whale and everyone else was tossing their fish around and getting good comments while I am juggling this big mess of fish. I have no idea what that means.

The last part and the most fun part was that I was driving down the interstate but the thing was people didn't drive cars. We just magically moved down the road like we were in invisible cars. SO when I would see someone else they looked like their car had disappeared but they were still in the seated position as if sitting in a car. This was only for people, there were still semi's and big trucks. So the last part as me speeding down the interstate and laughing and talking to other people. I remember right before I woke up that in my dream I was getting off the interstate in my invisible car yelling at a friend SEE YA LATER and then laughing saying, God life is so fun!

This is a typical dream for me. I think I did pretty good with the jotting down the notes to spark my memory. I remember it more clearly now than when I was going to write it. When I get the voice recorder I can do it verbally and probably remember more. Just wait till I have a will be pretty scary.

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