Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Last night was a few different dreams. Kind of like flipping through the channels.

Dreamed that I was someone else. I was apparently some sort of bomber, I assume. I had a duffle bag full of these boxes that look like they held 1 stick of dynamite a piece. This part of the dream was basically me trying to find my apartment to stash whatever it was in those boxes. I lived in a huge apartment complex and I couldn't remember where I lived. I find my apartment and I am glad to be home and go to the bathroom. This dream is very Kubric-esque. It it night time and I am splashing water on my face and I notice that nothing looks familiar. I realize I am in someone else's apartment when I check a room and it is a kids room with the kid asleep. I freak out and run out but remember I left my bag in the house and I cannot remember what apartment I came out of.

Then I dreamed that I was watching a rally race in NY city with little people driving. They were driving all over the road smashing into things left and right. I said out loud, "Am I the only one who sees anything wrong with them being too small to drive these cars?" I also dreamed that I ran into the Sex and the City gals and the brown headed one was mad cause I couldn't think of her name. Her show name. I knew her real name because she's been in a lot of movies but I couldn't remember her name on the show and she was mad at me.

Then I woke up.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Class Reunion

Dreamed that I was at my class reunion and it was lame. Everyone was wandering around like zombies not talking to anyone and dressed like it was prom too. The only thing that made it worth going to is that it was at some big ass villa in Venice. Oh did I mention that in the dream I was Daniel Craig? LOL

So I am trying to get people to talk and make this party good and all they are doing is standing around like a bunch of shut ins let out for the evening. I get irritated and I go outside and next door there is this other reunion going on just like ours but people were dancing (all choreographed too) with a live band and it just looked like a big ol bash. They came out all dancing and was saying how GREAT their reunion was going. I look back over at mine and its the same dead party going on. A lot of little insignificant things were going on like small chit chat with people I went to school with. (I think a friend and my conversation sparked this dream).

Then I end up having to go to McDonalds because that was the food they had for the reunion so I have the order that they had to call in. The order....8 hamburgers. I was sitting there in my tux and all my Daniel Craig dreaminess waiting on 8 hamburgers for the 40 people at a reunion that are comatose. The ONLY consolation was that with the purchase of 8 hamburgers you got a free dozen of Krispy Kremes. When they told me that I was like, ok whatever, just being sour about the whole night because people were being such sticks in the mud. But when they brought out the KK's they were like 2 feet in diameter, each one. The next scene in the dream is back at the reunion and everyone runs up to the KK's and starts tearing into them and woo hooing and I say, OH OHHHHHHH so it's a donut that gets you all excited.

And apparently in the dream I footed the bill for the whole thing because some guy came up to me with the bill for the event. LUCKILY I woke up before having to pay. I so hope that dreams are alternate universes that our minds visit and when we wake up we vanish from that world. Cause they just got stiffed a huge bill HAHA.

I am kinda thinking that these dreams I am having and forcing myself to remember are turning out lame. LOL

P.S. I was totally being an ass as Daniel Craig too. Saying how I was tired because I had a shoot tomorrow and just rubbing it in. LOL hey I have to have fun in my dreams some how. And don't act like you wouldn't do the same.

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Octopus

I have had this dream several times throughout my life and it is always so crisp and clear. I have been having this dream since I can remember.

The setting is I am an observer in the dream, like watching it play out. There are 5 guys trying to find the beach in this small bay town. My perspective is that I am higher up than then so I can see over the roofs of the little cottages and see that they are close as they as some old woman how to get to the beach. The next "scene" is them in the water swimming around having fun and what not. My point of view is still up a little higher and I see that way out off shore is a giant black object in the bubbles and churning water it is causing. (btw, the guys that are swimming are in the Navy. It is never said but I just know they are. And I always get the feeling that one of them is my dad even though I never interact with them in my dream). So the guys notice the commotion way off of the shore and they say oh its just a submarine surfacing and continue about their business.

In my view of the dream I can see the giant black octopus arms rising out of the water and uncurling. I am trying to tell them to look behind them but it is like I am not there so they cant see me or hear me.

As I am yelling for them to turn around, just like in a movie it cuts to a scene of the view pointing up from the bottom of the water and all I can see is the sun above the surface and the silhouette of a shark swims overhead slowly and no one is in the water.

So I always assume that whatever got them dragged them under the water and the last "scene" is some kind of view to let me know they aren't there anymore.

I always assume the dream means that I will "lose" my dad or something....I dunno

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mylie Cyrus put in her place.

Saturday I woke up late and I had to jump out of bed and run out the door to pick my son up before the evil ex put a voodoo curse on me or something so Friday nights dream is lost. I remember dreaming things but by the time I remembered to blog them it had been hours and I couldn't recall any of it.

Saturday nights dream was a little more entertaining.

I dreamed I was at some sort of mall flea market redneck swap meet thing. I know, big shocker being from TN and all. But I remember Mylie Cyrus being there and I ran into her and basically let her have it. Told her that she is being a tart with all of her shenanigans. Her dad got all mad and was in my face and I said, "You're just mad cause you will lose you're meal ticket there Billy Bob." The reason I dreamed that is that my son said something like he didn't like the way something went down and I told him wen he goes and works at Disney like Miley Cyrus and pays my mortgage, that he has no choice in the matter. I think it is funny that I dreamed that exact situation at night from saying that.

Pretty much all that I can remember. It was more long and drawn out but I don't want to write a novel on each and every dream.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Digging Holes in the Bed

I think last night was a better dream. I am going to see that this is going to be a more difficult task than I thought. I woke up and was like OK REMEMBER the dream! Then I dozed off and lost a part of it. So I made myself get up and jot down a few notes on what went on to concrete it in my head.

So again, remember these are dreams so they won't make sense much.

I dream that I am standing in the middle of my bed with a shovel and I start digging holes into the mattress, for what reason I have no idea. But once I have a hole dug all the way through the mattress I crawl down into the hole like some kind of sniper waiting for someone. After that I am in an office sitting there hearing some lady scream and yell at someone who didn't fill out paper work right. I ask a woman in the waiting room what the hell was going and she said that that woman was evil. I said Oh hell I ain't scared of no secretary I will f*ck her up. When I kick open her office door it is this tiny little ol lady and I saw AWWWWWWW it's so cute and she kicked me in the you know what.

Somehow I ended up on a cooking competition show in a factory in some sort of tundra town. It was all about fish and I kept messing everything up. I couldn't get past the part of selecting the fish, I kept getting this huge fish that wouldn't work with me. It was like a whale and everyone else was tossing their fish around and getting good comments while I am juggling this big mess of fish. I have no idea what that means.

The last part and the most fun part was that I was driving down the interstate but the thing was people didn't drive cars. We just magically moved down the road like we were in invisible cars. SO when I would see someone else they looked like their car had disappeared but they were still in the seated position as if sitting in a car. This was only for people, there were still semi's and big trucks. So the last part as me speeding down the interstate and laughing and talking to other people. I remember right before I woke up that in my dream I was getting off the interstate in my invisible car yelling at a friend SEE YA LATER and then laughing saying, God life is so fun!

This is a typical dream for me. I think I did pretty good with the jotting down the notes to spark my memory. I remember it more clearly now than when I was going to write it. When I get the voice recorder I can do it verbally and probably remember more. Just wait till I have a will be pretty scary.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


The dream was that I was at lunch with a co-worker and we were heading back to the office and I noticed that my middle finger fingernail felt weird. As I was talking I looked at the nail and noticed it looked kind of funny so I pulled on it and it completely came off. I have never had pain in a dream but I remember it bleeding and hurting real bad in the dream. When we got back to the office I kept trying to get the bleeding and pain to stop but it was like when you cut your fingernail too short but 100x worse.

I know this dream is not funny or fantastical for a 1st dream but usually I have weird funny dreams with all kinds of things going on. So stay tuned, maybe tonight I can have a better dream.

I also wonder what me recording the dreams will reveal or even create in other dreams. It might just sharpen my dream recalling once I get into it pretty good.


I have seen many people have 365 day projects here lately and I want to get in on the fun or whatever you want to call it.

I have been wondering what could I do for a 365 project....what to do what to do? So I have decided on a whim, because whims are the best way to make decisions right?, that I am going to do my best to record 365 nights of dreams.

I know it will be a difficult task but I think I can do it because I always have strange and vivid dreams. Most people forget their dreams pretty quickly but I am going to tackle that by keeping a voice recorder by my bed and every morning when I wake up I can describe the dream while it is still fresh. And also so I don't have to update every single day on a blog. I can have the date and dream to enter later.

Never done this before and I might botch it or forget about it in time but I hope I can pull it off. I also think it will be kind of neat to see what I dream about in a year.

That or it will be revealed that I am a nut case.