Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Class Reunion

Dreamed that I was at my class reunion and it was lame. Everyone was wandering around like zombies not talking to anyone and dressed like it was prom too. The only thing that made it worth going to is that it was at some big ass villa in Venice. Oh did I mention that in the dream I was Daniel Craig? LOL

So I am trying to get people to talk and make this party good and all they are doing is standing around like a bunch of shut ins let out for the evening. I get irritated and I go outside and next door there is this other reunion going on just like ours but people were dancing (all choreographed too) with a live band and it just looked like a big ol bash. They came out all dancing and was saying how GREAT their reunion was going. I look back over at mine and its the same dead party going on. A lot of little insignificant things were going on like small chit chat with people I went to school with. (I think a friend and my conversation sparked this dream).

Then I end up having to go to McDonalds because that was the food they had for the reunion so I have the order that they had to call in. The order....8 hamburgers. I was sitting there in my tux and all my Daniel Craig dreaminess waiting on 8 hamburgers for the 40 people at a reunion that are comatose. The ONLY consolation was that with the purchase of 8 hamburgers you got a free dozen of Krispy Kremes. When they told me that I was like, ok whatever, just being sour about the whole night because people were being such sticks in the mud. But when they brought out the KK's they were like 2 feet in diameter, each one. The next scene in the dream is back at the reunion and everyone runs up to the KK's and starts tearing into them and woo hooing and I say, OH OHHHHHHH so it's a donut that gets you all excited.

And apparently in the dream I footed the bill for the whole thing because some guy came up to me with the bill for the event. LUCKILY I woke up before having to pay. I so hope that dreams are alternate universes that our minds visit and when we wake up we vanish from that world. Cause they just got stiffed a huge bill HAHA.

I am kinda thinking that these dreams I am having and forcing myself to remember are turning out lame. LOL

P.S. I was totally being an ass as Daniel Craig too. Saying how I was tired because I had a shoot tomorrow and just rubbing it in. LOL hey I have to have fun in my dreams some how. And don't act like you wouldn't do the same.

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